Every now and then a liddle wonder product comes along. I'm particulaly fond of this one.
Let me prefix this by saying: I'm a clutz, I'm impatient, I do things last minute & I'm a busy body (when not slothing watching back to back episodes of Girls). So with all this in mind when I decide at 10pm /or 7 minutes before I'm going out to paint my nails, they're gonna get smudged. They always get smudged. And instead of looking put together and feeling glam, a level of trash seeps in.
How they work>
These drops are applied after your nail polish and act as a quick drying agent. You just hold the little dropper lid and drip 1-2 drops onto each nail.
(I usually do a base coat, 2 coats of colour & a top coat then this product)
Good to know:
The product leaves a slightly oily feel on the nail surface, I found it similar to the feel of a cuticle oil. After a few minutes, you can wash it off if its not your cup of tea.

These drops retail at a bargain $3.50 from Priceline and make an awesome purchase for someone who suffers from smudged nails due to routine impatience or for those occasions when you need to get out the door fast.
These drops drastically reduce wetness and tackiness and will prevent most minor smudges.
If I so happen to paint at night, I don't find I get those horrid sheet impressions when using these drops (anyone else who has a propensity to paint nails at night, you feel me?).
That said nothing replaces a good half hour setting time though so big dents may still happen you smash about the place.
FYI: There's a few others brands doing similar versions such as Sally Hansen & OPI but for the same price as a small coffee, I'm pretty pleased with this Essence one.
The verdict:
It's love!
Note: I purchased this product with my own funds & have no affiliation with the brand. My opinion is my own.
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